
How To Accomplish Anything In 1/2 Hour (Or Less)

How To Accomplish Anything In 1/2 Hour (Or Less)

Many of the entrepreneurs I work with work at full time jobs that don’t provide them with much fulfillment, meaning or joy. Underlying this lack of fulfilment is an idea, a dream that’s been itching away for years without ever being scratched. Typically the first question they ask me is some variation of “Where do I start?’ or “How do I start?”.

The enormity of starting a new business - or any new worthwhile endeavour - typically overwhelms most people, and they feel that it requires a massive commitment on their part: quitting their job, selling their house, moving to a new country… some sort of big change to signify their commitment to their dream.

The Value of Punctuality

The Value of Punctuality

Today’s post is just a quick hit, but an important one.

It’s about punctuality. 

One simple, foolproof way to get ahead in life is by being chronically punctual. Consistent and habitual punctuality is an easy way to stand out from the rest of the world, most of whom are chronically late.

It amazes me how many people are so cavalier about being late. Showing up 5, 10 even 20 minutes late is swept under the carpet with a quick ‘Sorry, I’m late.'

Getting Up (Really) Early

Getting Up (Really) Early

Studies of successful people all point to different habits and reasons for their success, but they all seem to agree on one thing:

Successful people get up early.

Getting up early in the morning has been a total game-changer for me. Getting up early buys me several extra hours of focused, productive and undistracted time each day, and sets an amazing tone for the day ahead.